Wednesday, June 3, 2009

And now for a flick that will scare the living shit out of you [WATCH TRAILER]

If you like horror and have been dying for an American film that doesn't wimp out on you or have some stupid-ass rip-off bastardization of a Korean or Japanese film's twist ending or any of the other disappointments we've come to expect from every week's horror releases, this is a spectacularly refreshing change of pace.

SHOOT: Watch the Quicktime trailer here:

Drag Me to Hell Review: It is Very Awesome.
I feel I should start out this review with a little PSA: If you scare easily, do not allow your vindictive gorehound friends to sweet-talk you into going to this movie. It ain't frickin' Gothika. It's a horror film made for horror fans by somebody who knows what he's doing. It will scare the living shit out of you if you're not properly desensitized to this type of thing. And for the rest of us? It's still effectively scary! I jumped in my seat, I laughed a lot, I thought I might vomit a few times -- to sum it up, I had a fantastic time. This is the measure of a successful horror film, friends.
 blog it

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