Monday, April 6, 2009

WIRED: Why the Terminator Is Unstoppable

This a great article on a somewhat unlikely franchise. Maybe the franchise worked because people suspect it is supremely relevant. Doomsday. Machines. The End of the World. Yeah, that stuff.
clipped from

Christian Bale plays John Connor, leader of the human resistance, in the upcoming Terminator Salvation.
Photo: Richard Foreman
It's possible because of Terminators themselves. They're the draw here. Like many beloved phenomena—penicillin, the Internet, Letterman—they're not planned. They just happen, and they are awesome. Their programming is refreshingly simple: Destroy. Occasionally protect. And, when necessary, quip.
(Dick Cheney wasn't the first cyborg to devise a doctrine of preemptive defense.) But that's just half the soldier's mission; the other half, the half Connor doesn't tell him about, is to sire Connor by having sweaty terror sex with Sarah in a grungy motel. (Pimping your best friend to your once-and-future mom, from across time, to engineer your own birth—that is so awesome.)
Dodging bullets is fine for a while, but in the long run aren't you more interested in (and terrified by) the guy who just takes it? Who. Just. Keeps. On. Coming?
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